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It Takes a Village
I was talking to a friend about creating a "community arcade game" where players play as individuals but work towards the same goal. I was already kicking aorund the idea about building a virtual pet for Louisville Unfair this year so I decided a community virtual pet would be a fun arcade idea.
Life Cycle
The virtual pet should go from a baby to high school graduation. I think this should take about a week of real time with most of it spent in the later stages of the life cycle. At the end of the week there will be an event showing a montage of captured images and where the pet ends up before resetting for the next week.
Vital Stats
These are Hunger, Hygeine and Entertainment. These will need to be full before the players could do the Higher Stats mini games.
Higher Stats
These will determine what happens at the end of the pet's life cycle. Will it go to college? Jail? The military?
Mini Games
A warioware style system with leaderboards and scores used to increase all the different stats.
Some of the games will use webcam motion controls to play them, also the camera will take pictures of the players to display on a fridge and to be used in the attract screen.